Wednesday, April 13, 2011


With the recipe for the Timpano is a specific reference where to acquire several vessels for its construction.  As it turns out, an old-timey wash basin works perfectly.

The dough was made and allowed to rest before being rolled out very thinly and used to line the Timpano pan.

At this point all of the prepared Timpano ingredients were assembled.

The sauced pasta, the meats, the cheeses (sharp Provolone, Pecorino Romano, Mozzarella, and Parmigiano Reggiano), the hard boiled eggs and the ragout are repeatedly layered until the Timpano is filled.

It is then sealed at the bottom and placed in the oven to bake.

Given that the baked Timpano can end up weighing between 15 and 20 pounds, turning it over onto a cutting board takes both strength and agility.

All of the prepared Tourte ingredients are assembled and the spring-form pan is lined with puff pastry

Unlike the Timpano, the layers of the Tourte are done individually in a specific order to obtain the desired effect.

The Porchetta was slow roasted in the oven over three hours and then finished under the broiler.

Following the showing of Big Night the movie, all of the meats and several salads were placed on the table.  This meal was designed to be buffet style.

When everyone’s appetite was at the boiling over stage the Timpano was cut.

The Tourte was cut.

The Porchetta was cut.

After seconds and thirds of the main courses, it was time for some dessert.

In addition to the Tiramisu we earlier in the day prepared a second dessert, a Ricotta Chocolate Chip Pie.  For this, a chocolate cookie pie crust is basically filled with cannoli filling with mini chocolate chips and chopped almonds.  This is topped with a not too sweet whipped cream, shaved chocolate and toasted almond slivers.

Of course Italian desserts require Italian coffee made in a good Italian coffee machine.

Much like the movie, when our guests could eat no more, they nonetheless seemed pleased with the experience.

By the end of the evening everyone was tired including the puppy Danechka.

As Louise and I thought about the movie and dinner experience we both decided we really enjoyed every aspect of it.  Certainly the days of prep and cooking are always enjoyable; that our guests were seemingly pleased with the experience was very rewarding for us; but we most of all enjoy bringing together friends of ours who have never met before and watching new friendships grow.

I guess our next movie and dinner night will have to revolve around our second favorite foodie movie – “Mostly Martha. “  Stay tuned.

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